Weather, Innovation, and the Hay Market: A Chat with Tim Ford

Reconnecting with Jon Paul Driver of Hay Kings after his memorable visit to Australia, we’re thrilled to present our collaborative venture, the Feed Central Hay Matters Podcast.

In our inaugural episode, Jon Paul chats with Tim Ford about the resilience of the hay market, the fresh energy young farmers bring to the fields, and important insights taken from previous LaNina (flood) seasons.

Some key takeaways in this episode include:

  • A brief big picture look at Australian Ag in 2024 and the differences between the U.S and Australian hay market.
  • The dedication and hard work of young people returning to family farms.
  • Adapting to varying weather patterns, specifically the shift from El Niño to La Niña.
  • How growers and buyers can get the most out of the hay market during a wet year.
  • The challenges and risks posed by paddock stacked hay, especially under the threat of potential flooding.
  • Insights from past floods, including an increased demand for hay.
  • The importance of improved infrastructure and access for hay growers to facilitate easier distribution and movement during wet years.

Stay up to date and learn more about the industry with the Feed Central Hay Matters Podcast – your portal to the intricate world of hay, brought to life through real stories and expert analysis.


  • Tim Ford

    In 2002, Tim established Feed Central, leveraging over many years of professional hay and agricultural experience domestically and internationally. Tim was born and bred in the Riverina and has travelled extensively within domestically and internationally to learn more about hay and the national and international fodder markets. Tim is a sought-after media commentor on matters relating to the fodder industry and often advises corporate and family companies on hay procurement and marketing strategies. Tim advises all levels of government on matters relating to the industry and was a member of the Prime Minister’s Drought Task Force during the 2017 -2020 drought. Tim is both a strategist and innovator leveraging digital solutions to drive people and client centric solutions across the industry.

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