National Stockpile Runs Low: a Market Update with Dave Clothier

Jon Paul Driver catches up with National Sales Manager Dave Clothier for a hay market report and an indepth discussion on the current status of the national hay market ahead of new season. While Southern Queensland has seen good early-season hay production, and early harvesting in New South Wales promises high yields, dry conditions in South Australia and Western Victoria are expected to lead to lowered production. With much of the 2022 hay stock now gone, and high fodder demand, this is the idea time to fill the sheds.

  • The national stockpile of hay is largely depleted, with existing supplies either committed for domestic use or export. Price stability is expected by late October to early November as the status of the stockpile becomes clearer.
  • In southern Queensland, there’s been substantial hay production due to favourable early-season weather. Meanwhile, New South Wales has hay prematurely on the ground, and regions like the Darling Downs are experiencing unusually high yields and early harvests.
  • In contrast, South Australia and Western Victoria face reduced yields due to ongoing dry conditions, affecting overall availability.
  • With grain prices decreasing and cattle numbers on the rise, fodder demand is leading more farmers to turn to hay production to capitalise on the fodder market.
  • Hay is only made for 90 days, but cattle eat 365 days a year, and this is the ideal time to fill sheds with high quality feed  in preparation for upcoming demand.


  • Tim Ford

    In 2002, Tim established Feed Central, leveraging over many years of professional hay and agricultural experience domestically and internationally. Tim was born and bred in the Riverina and has travelled extensively within domestically and internationally to learn more about hay and the national and international fodder markets. Tim is a sought-after media commentor on matters relating to the fodder industry and often advises corporate and family companies on hay procurement and marketing strategies. Tim advises all levels of government on matters relating to the industry and was a member of the Prime Minister’s Drought Task Force during the 2017 -2020 drought. Tim is both a strategist and innovator leveraging digital solutions to drive people and client centric solutions across the industry.

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