Hay to Hydrogen: a Discussion with Louise Brown

In this episode of the Hay Matters podcast, Jon Paul Driver talks with Dr. Louise Brown, CEO and founder of Hydgene Renewables. They dive into how hay and fodder are being turned into green hydrogen, revolutionising the way farmers can produce and use ammonia for fertilisers. Louise discusses her shift from academic research to spearheading this innovative startup, focusing on the practical benefits and potential of this technology for the farming community.

  • Louise transitioned from a career in academia to pioneering a startup that harnesses engineered bacteria to convert biomass into hydrogen.
  • The process not only produces a key ingredient for ammonia but also offers a more environmentally friendly alternative to the traditional methods that rely heavily on fossil fuels.
  • This technology’s adaptability for on-farm use could significantly lower fertiliser costs and improve self-sufficiency for farmers.
  • The technology is scalable, with the potential to bring economic and environmental benefits to farming communities.
  • There are a range of opportunities for farmers to collaborate on creating the infrastructure needed to support this new technology, enhancing sustainability and community resilience.


  • Tim Ford

    In 2002, Tim established Feed Central, leveraging over many years of professional hay and agricultural experience domestically and internationally. Tim was born and bred in the Riverina and has travelled extensively within domestically and internationally to learn more about hay and the national and international fodder markets. Tim is a sought-after media commentor on matters relating to the fodder industry and often advises corporate and family companies on hay procurement and marketing strategies. Tim advises all levels of government on matters relating to the industry and was a member of the Prime Minister’s Drought Task Force during the 2017 -2020 drought. Tim is both a strategist and innovator leveraging digital solutions to drive people and client centric solutions across the industry.

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